Subnautica below zero wiki ventgarden
Subnautica below zero wiki ventgarden

subnautica below zero wiki ventgarden

The Brinewing will attack and, if Robin or a creature is hit, freeze them. The Brinewing's enlarged pectoral fins are used to keep the saline at supercritical temperatures by fully extending them it ensures that heat loss from the body is maximised, keeping the saline in the bladder cold. After this, the Brinewing's belly will shrink back to normal size and it will grab and eat the frozen prey, before recharging its saline solution over a short period of time. The Brinewing shoots ten icicles of the solution at its prey, which on contact will encase the target in ice, temporarily immobilizing it. While hunting, the Brinewing has an enlarged belly, indicating it is prepared to release the solution. As this solution is far colder than the water around it, the water in immediate contact with it is frozen. A super cooled saline solution is expelled through the mouth by the contraction of a highly elastic bladder. The Brinewing has two dark green eyes that become lighter towards the black pupil, and a small hole above each of these eyes that may be nostrils. The brine bladder expands to accommodate the brine the creature uses to attack its prey, becoming distended and translucent.

subnautica below zero wiki ventgarden

The brine bladder is white in color and has a pair of short spikes on each side of the body. The front portion of the body is yellow and the back portion blue with yellow rings. The main body is small, ending with a tail fin that appears to have been heavily reduced into a small spike. In their resting state the fins appear small and triangular, but can extend into an almost full semicircle shape. The two fins are composed of a thin yellow appendage with a translucent blue membrane attached. The top jaw has a blue tip with a pair of small blue spines protruding upwards from it.

Subnautica below zero wiki ventgarden